New shipping address:

Griesbachstr. 10, 4th floor
76185 Karlsruhe

RMA - Return Form

You would like to send your device to ViGEM for repair?
Please proceed as follows:


Step 1
System settings and recording files may be lost during repair. Before shipping the device, backup the system settings and recording files, for example to a computer or an external storage medium.

Step 2
If you would like to send in an unencrypted removable data storage on which personal data within the meaning of GDPR article 4, paragraph 1 is stored and which ViGEM can be given access to as part of carrying out your repair order:
In this case a job processing exists according to GDPR article 28 and a contract must be completed accordingly. Please contact your sales person (sales @vigem .de) or our technical support ( to arrange this.

Step 3
Fill out the return form: This online form can be found below this step-by-step explanation. After submitting, a new VSD ticket is automatically created in the ViGEM Service Desk (VSD) with your information from the return form. 
After the details have been checked, our ViGEM support service will provide you with feedback within your VSD ticket, including a return number and shipping notes. You will get a message about this and also of other changes to the VSD ticket via e-mail to the e-mail address which you have specified in the return form. (If you do not receive an e-mail, please check the spam folder in your e-mail program).

Step 4
When you have received an e-mail notification about the new VSD ticket, please register or log in to the ViGEM Service Desk ( and open the VSD ticket with the return number.

Step 5 
Create a delivery note and note the return number on it clearly. 
If you would like to provide a delivery address for the return shipment that differs from the sender address, also note the desired delivery address including contact person on the delivery note.

Step 6
Pack the device in the original packaging or equivalent following the shipping notes. 
If it is a return under warranty, please use the original packaging for the return.

Step 7
Attach a document folder to the outside of the shipment carton in a clearly visible location and insert the delivery note.

Step 8
Send the device to the following address:

RMA / Return for repair
Griesbachstr. 10, 4th floor
76185 Karlsruhe

Thank you very much!

Please note our legal information at the end of the following return form.

Return Form

Your contact data

Please note: All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Please note:

Unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing, all our business relations with our customers are governed by the Terms and Conditions of ViGEM GmbH:

You can access the General Terms and Conditions of ViGEM GmbH via the following link or via "Terms & Business Conditions" in the footer of the ViGEM website, download them in PDF format and save them on your computer or print them out directly:
Current contract text "General Terms and Conditions (GTC)" (PDF-file, approx. 212 KB)

You can access the General Terms and Conditions for Software of ViGEM GmbH via the following link or via "Terms & Business Conditions" in the footer of the ViGEM website, download them in PDF format and save them on your computer or print them out directly:
Current contract text "General Terms and Conditions for Software" (PDF-file, approx. 187 KB)